Friday 18 May 2012

Dear teenagers,

Ever realized what the hell u are doing with your life?
Nobody keeps their middle school friends forever, u will fail a math test once in ur life,n maybe more than that.:P..ur teachers will assign u seats away from ur friends, and ur parents will assign u to ur room when u do illegal stuff. You're going to get drunk and say something u'll regret! You're going to cry over boy's names dat u won't even remember in twenty years! You're going to call ur friends names behind their back when they make u mad, and they're going to do the same to you. You're going to be on your own once in a while, thinking of how mean everyone is, and how u don't belong, but eventually it'll all become fine!  Your opinions of people will change, once u get to knoe them, n u'll be like, "to hell with the first impression thingy"!..You're going to run from situations, be grateful one day and ungrateful the next! You're going to find one book in english class dat you actually read! U're gonna discover ur likes and dislikes along the way, n there'll be a time, when u'll be like,"this is what i want to do! i've finally found it!" ..People are gonna make fun of the music u like, and other people are going to like it just the same! There'll be ppl who hate u for sum reason, n others who will love u for the very same one! You're never going to finish all your homework! You're going to cry, and maybe, need a hug from your mom. You'll feel like your friends are all that mean to you, and be backstabbed, and realize maybe you were wrong! You're going to bullshit every essay you write, and pray that you sound like you knoe what you are talking about! You're gonna fail, rise up, fail again, feel like everything's over, but then end up doing sumthing even better! U'll believe, have faith, and lose it all the same! You're going to sing at the top of ur lungs, when nobody's home, and dance whenever u get a chance! You're going to dream of finally getting out of ur town, and you're going to miss it when you leave! You're going to take pictures, being called 'self-obsessed' and after five years, thinking,"did i really look like dat"?.. You're going to be whistled at, cheated on, yelled at, ditched by ur friends, played by boys, laughed at! You're gonna fall in and out of love, and one day u mite really figure out what that word means! You're gonna be judged, despite what u do, ! You r gonna explore, dream of living ur life ur way, and even end up doing dat! You're never gonna stop looking for urself! you r a teenager, so stop trying so hard, expecting so much, crying so often,. Walk with ur head held high, quit talking shit about ppl, take a walk outside, go to school and smile at everyone! Dream, and don't be afraid! After all, you r here tO learn! So, keep learning as you go, keep doing and following ur mind and heart! And who knoes, what u might end up doing!  Who knoes, u might really make it through!..:)

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