Friday 1 June 2012

Didn't say it

“It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return 
But what is more painful is to love someone and never find courage to let that person know how you feel”

We’ve all heard of the cliché “Love at first sight” haven’t we? But have you ever fallen for someone right when you saw them? We all tend to call it ‘Cheesy’ or ‘Impractical’ or even ‘Stupid’. But that spark, that explosion of emotions inside your head at that moment is like something you’ve never felt before. When you meet that person, your drab life suddenly turns into a quixotic tale. Well most of us can discard such “dross” feelings, but there are some of us who don’t have the power to do so, such people are unable to forget that person and as for those feelings ….. Well, let’s just say that those feelings never change, come what may. But the most important thing that we tend forget is that - liking someone is contiguous to telling them about your feelings.  But we try to eschew the situation where we tell the person everything. Due to the fear of rejection, people make a consonance with their heart, the consonance to keep their feelings to themselves. This is where a person begins to lose his self belief. Telling someone about your feelings is not wrong. It’s about gathering courage and telling the person the truth and nothing except it.

“It’s better to say too much,
  Than never to say what you need to say”

Today, this post is about the story of one such person. The story of my friend who loved a girl but was too scared to tell her because he thought she would never feel the same. My friend’s story, Shaurya’s story ……..

Shaurya had always been the most curious, inquisitive, loud, contumacious boy his teachers had ever taught. He had friends, all of them guys. He wasn’t shy talking to girls, but he just never felt that pull to talk to any girl. Maybe that was because he hadn’t met the one, the one who was not like any girl he had ever seen. Shaurya never thought that he would ever fall in love with a girl; he thought that it was stupid ... And falling in love at that very moment when you see a girl … Sheer nonsense!!!! But when he saw her for the first time ... That girl, she had a radiant face, beautiful eyes, a captivating smile and above all, a magnetic personality. She was Diya.... And from then on, Diya became the centre of attraction; she was the best at whatever she did, every word that she spoke felt like a breath of fresh air, all the guys in the class tried to fawn upon her to grab moments of her attention.... But Shaurya didn’t, or actually, he couldn’t.... He had never felt this way for anyone before. This girl had changed a feral into someone else, someone different, and someone better.... He was confused... He didn’t know what had happened to him ... But there was a fact that Shaurya wasn’t ready to face, a hard fact- Shaurya had started liking Diya, and she had become an important part of his life.

The days went as he stayed up all night, as he could not help thinking about Diya- her smile, her eyes, EVERYTHING! It was like he was riding an emotional rollercoaster, she ruled his dreams he began losing self control. It was like Diya was the end of the world to him, all his thoughts started as well as ended on her. He was too abashed to tell Diya about how he felt, he never considered himself to be half as good a guy who deserved to be with Diya. While most of his friends who felt inclined towards Diya discussed their feelings amongst each other, Shaurya desisted mentioning her name to any of them, and he tried to hide so that no one would know. He had some things that he would love telling Diya about, but frankly, he was too scared, so he rather chose to speak to her ordinarily since that felt like the best option, but he promised to himself that he would tell her someday, someday later. Though he didn’t plan on telling Diya, yet he did everything possible to grab her attention … Everything from funny ‘one liners’ to most of his silly antics had one objective – to make Diya smile.

” The greatest gift you can give to someone you like a lot is your time because you are giving them a portion of your life that u will never get back”

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